
Laser - Italia Cup 2018 - Ragusa ITA - Final results

Sunday, November 5, 2017   (Image © Marta Rovatti)
 Laser  Italia Cup 2018  Ragusa ITA  Final results
The first Act of the Laser Italia Cups 2018 was concluded in Ragusa ITA on Sicily yesterday. In sun and good wind conditions around 12 kn, the three fleets completed 6 races each.
In the Lasers Standard (18 boats), Gianmarco Planchestainer ITA finished first with 5 race wins. Guido Gallinaro ITA won in the Lasers Radial (83 boats) with a 7 pts advantage on Federico Tocchi ITA. Federica Cattarozzi ITA as 11th was the best-ranked girl. In the largest fleet, the Lasers 4.7 (106 boats), the winner was Marco Stangoni ITA one point in front of Valerio Palamara ITA and another point on the duo Nicolo Nardera ITA and Philipp Tibaldo SUI at equal points on the ranks 3 and 4.
All ranking lists and the event website with pictures.

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