
420, Dolphin - Lebkuchen-Regatta III - RC Oberhofen

Monday, November 6, 2017   
 420, Dolphin  LebkuchenRegatta III  RC Oberhofen
After the only light-wind race for the Dolphins on Saturday, a fresh breeze filled in on Sunday and both classes completed two races each.
In the 420s, Simona Hegi/Sabrina Böhler SVT won both heats followed by Lukas and Christian Hafner SCR and Anna and Paula Wollkopf YCZ. 'Only' 10 teams participated as a large 420 delegation sailed in Cádiz ESP during the past days.
Christoph Schenker TYC and his team defended the first place in the Dolphins by a small margin. Lorenz Müller YCB and Tom Studer CVN competed the podium. 14 teams participated.
The news.

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