
Ice-Sailing - DN Polish Championship 2018 - Final results

Wednesday, February 21, 2018   
 IceSailing  DN Polish Championship 2018  Final results
As tune-up to the DN-Iceboating World- and European Championship to be organised by the Estonian DN Association faced with a critical ice situation, the Polish Championship took place over the past weekend. In previous years, DN pilots from Poland were the dominators in these major Championships, lead by the 10-times World Champion and America's Cup helmsman Karol Jablonski POL.
At the Polish Nationals 2018 however, he was defeated with a tiebreak by Michal Burczynski POL. Best non-Polish was Jean-Claude Vuithier SUI on rank 12 among the 93 participants.
The ranking list fleet A and the B-fleet.
Enjoy the well-done drone video of the Championship.

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