
Laser - Championnat de la MEditerrannée, Act 1 - Hyères FRA - Final results, the Swiss

Monday, February 26, 2018   
 Laser  Championnat de la MEditerrannee, Act 1  Hyeres FRA  Final results, the Swiss
Only very light winds prevailed on Hyères Bay also on the second day of round 1 of the 2018 Laser Mediterranean Championship allowing to complete only one race per fleet.
Swiss occupied the ranks 1 and 2 in the Lasers 4.7 (36 boats, 5 nations) with Mathieu Sistek SUI and Farah Imbert SUI. In the Lasers Radial (75 boats, 4 nations), Matisse Pacaud FRA climbed on top thanks to winning the race. Maxime Faure FRA and Pernelle Michon FRA completed the podium. The best Swiss Arno Hunziker SUI finished on rank 48. In the Lasers Standard (15 boats, 2 nations), Arthur Barrué FRA was again first yesterday and cleary took the overall win ahead of Jérémy Moutout MON and Thierry Peyre FRA.
All ranking lists and te event facebook page.
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Laser - Championnat de la Méditerrannée - Hyères FRA

Saturday, 24. February 2018– Sunday, 25. February 2018


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