VOR65 - Ocean Race 2017/18 - Itajai BRA - 'Vestas' arrived in Itajai

Tuesday, April 17, 2018   
 VOR65  Ocean Race 2017/18  Itajai BRA  'Vestas' arrived in Itajai
Yesterday, 'Vestas' sailing under jury rig joined the VOR fleet at Itajai BRA. The team was 9 days underway from the Falklands to Brazil. The shore team is now busy to fix and adjust the new mast before the start to leg 8 to Newport RI in 9 days on April 22nd.
The video news.
Remains now 'Scallywag' having rounded Cape Horn two days ago after their stop in Chile after the tragic loss of John Fisher GR at sea. 700nm from Itajai, the team endeavours to be ready for the start to leg 8 next week. The Scallywag facebook page.
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VOR65 - Ocean Race 2017/18 - Alicante ESP

Saturday, 14. October 2017– Tuesday, 26. June 2018

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