
Laser - Championnat de la Méditerrannée - Marseille FRA - Day 1

Sunday, April 22, 2018   
 Laser  Championnat de la Mediterrannee  Marseille FRA  Day 1
Estival weather and light winds prevailed on the first day of Round 3 of the Laser Mediterranean Championship allowing to hold one race each for the Lasers 4.7 and Lasers Radial, while the Lasers Standard completed a second heat.
Farah Imbert SUI finished first in the Lasers 4.7 (42 participants) ahead of Matthis Poullain FRA and Maxime Faure FRA. In the Lasers Radial (73 participants) Louise Cervera FRA was first ahead of Matisse Pacaud FRA and Sofiane Karim FRA. The past Optimist World Champion Nicolas Rolaz SUI won both races in the Standards (20 participants). Arthur Barrué FRA and Xavier Labbe FRA followed on the ranks 2 and 3.
All ranking lists and the news.

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