
J/70 - Italia Cup 2018 - Act 2 - Porto Ercole ITA - Final results

Tuesday, May 15, 2018   (Image © zerogradinord)
 J/70  Italia Cup 2018  Act 2  Porto Ercole ITA  Final results
50 teams from 8 nations started at the second Act of the J70 Italia-Cup, and the Italians occupied the ranks 1 to 7.
Winner after 8 races was Alberto Rossi ITA and his team 2 points ahead of Gianfranco Noe ITA. Claudia Rossi ITA followed on rank 3. The best of the four Swiss teams was Stefan Seger SUI on rank 21, Nicolas Anklin SUI followed on the 26th place.
The ranking list and the event facebook page.

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