
SRS - La Galèrienne -CN Auvernier

Monday, August 20, 2018   
35 teams split in 3 classes sailed the "Galeriènne" on Lake Neuchâtel over the past weekend. Winner in Group 1 (TCFX, TCF1, TCF2) was Olivier Amstutz BT on a Lüthi 952 ahead of the Farr 30 of Daniel Grandguillaume CVG. In Group 2 (TCF3, TCF4), Tom Studer CVN finished first with his J/70 followed by Jean-Jacques Cunier CVN on a Fareast 28 R. In the non-measured classes, Michel Matthey GCNA on a Luthi 38.2 was on top ahead of Emmanuel Müller YCB with his Dolphin.
All ranking lists.

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