Olympic & Youth Classes - Sail Melbourne - Melbourne AUS - Day 2, the Swiss

Friday, December 14, 2018   (Image © Beau Outteridge)
 Olympic + Youth Classes  Sail Melbourne  Melbourne AUS  Day 2, the Swiss
After some postponements, the first races were sailed this morning UTC in Melbourne.
The two small Nacra fleets have already completed their programs. In the Nacras 17. Tayla Rietman/Lachan White AUS are on the first place. In the Nacras 15, Dalton/Drew AUS and Cooley/Hancock AUS share the lead.
Matthew Belcher/Will Ryan AUS won the first 470 race of the day and consolidated their lead. Kilian Wagen/GrégoireSiegwart SUI finished on rank 5, their best result so far.
The other Olympic classes, among others the Lasers Radial with the interim's leader Maud Jayet SUI, did not yet compete.
The updated ranking lists will be available by noon.
The event facebook page with reports and videos.
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Olympic & Youth Classes - Sail Melbourne - Melbourne AUS

Wednesday, 12. December 2018– Sunday, 16. December 2018

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