
Support Sailing-News ! - The crucial two weeks !! We count on your help !

Tuesday, December 18, 2018   
 Support SailingNews !  The crucial two weeks !! We count on your help !
In the past days, we have again received some financial contributions increasing the donation total to around CHF 17,000 this year, and we are very grateful. Many thanks to all the supporters.
With the abandonment of the transfer of news to the website of Swiss Sailing with an abstruse justification - we will come back later - the deficit in our accounts has increased to CHF 15,000 to be filled by the end of the year! We hope that donations, voluntary subscriptions of CHF 50 a year, as well as orders for additional banner ads will help us to keep the largest yachting platform by far with 200,000 readers, half of the Swiss, running.
The situation is serious because - as is currently well known - the funding of free publications is in crisis! Our fixed costs are minimal, but depending on the season, we have to pay two to three people to research and publish news daily in three languages. With our information, we have created in 14 years the biggest platform of the sport of sailing never existing in Switzerland. We are convinced that not only the friends of our sport, but especially the organizations concerned (clubs, regional associations are national, class associations), and - not to forget - naval trade, have interest in preserving our site as a window to the general public ... so we remain optimistic that we can fill the gap by the end of the year. Thanks for your help! Here are the support details.

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