
470, 5o5, Fireball, Pirat - Swiss Open Alpnach - SCW Obwalden - Day 2

Monday, June 10, 2019   (Image © Lukas Schürmann)
 470, 5o5, Fireball, Pirat  Swiss Open Alpnach  SCW Obwalden  Day 2
The Swiss Open on Lake Alpnach continued yesterday with two, for the 5o5 three races.
Sandra Giovanoli/Mara Bezel SCStä defended rank one in the 470s, in the 5o5s, Matthias Märki/Samuel Zubler SCH went on winning. In the Fireballs, Claude Mermod/Ruedi Moser RCO dominated once more, and in the Pirates, Andreas and Fabian Fleisch SCaPf have taken the lead.
All ranking lists.

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