Figaro 3 - La Solitaire - Baix de Morlaix FRA - Leg 2 - Final results

Thursday, June 13, 2019   
 Figaro 3  La Solitaire  Baix de Morlaix FRA  Leg 2  Final results
After 2 days and 22 hours, Adrien Hardy FRA crossed the finish line of the Figaro Soltaire leg two in Northern Brittany FRA 5 minutes ahead of the leg one winner Yoann Richomme FRA who extended his overall lead to over 2 hours. The Figaro 3 fleet was again closely packed with the ranks 2 to 6 separated by 30 minutes only. Pierre Leboucher FRA and Armel Le Cléac'h FRA followed on the ranks 2 and 3. The best woman Justine Mettraux SUI finished on rank 20 and advanced on the 9th place in the overall rankings, 5 minutes ahead of the Vendée Globe legend Michel Desjoyeaux FRA.
The start to leg 3 will be given on Sunday.
The ranking list and the news (in English or French).
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Figaro 3 - Solitaire du Figaro 2019 - Nantes FRA

Sunday, 2. June 2019– Tuesday, 25. June 2019

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