IRC - 75th Sydney-Hobart Race - Sydney AUS - Day 1

Thursday, December 26, 2019   (Image © Suellen Hurling)
 IRC  75th SydneyHobart Race  Sydney AUS  Day 1
The start to the 75th edition of the Sydney - Hobart Race was given this morning at 2h UTC on Sydney Harbour, and meanwhile, the fleet has reached the open sea, heading South direction Tasmania. As expected, the 100-foot Super Maxi are in the lead with 'Comanche' of Jim Cooley AUS ahead of 'InfoTrack' of Christian Beck AUS and 'Wild Oats XI' with Mark Richards AUS. ----- The standings, the race tracker and the news.
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IRC - 75th Sydney-Hobart Race - Sydney AUS

Thursday, 26. December 2019– Tuesday, 31. December 2019

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