
Olympic Games 2020 - Opening Ceremony July 23, 2021 - Will it happen ?

Friday, July 24, 2020   
 Olympic Games 2020  Opening Ceremony July 23, 2021  Will it happen
As COVID-19 pandemic rages on, experts say it is unlikely Tokyo Olympics can be held next summer. Comes in addition, that with the amid alarming new cases of infection and concerns of a possible second coronavirus wave hitting Tokyo, fewer than one in four people in Japan want the Olympics to take place in 2021.----- However, the IOC and local organizers remain fully committed to holding the Games one year from now, and that they will not be postponed a second time due to COVID-19. If they cannot be held as currently scheduled, they will simply be canceled — a move that would have billion-dollar ripple effects for the Olympic movement (including the International Sports Federations such as World Sailing, and National Olympic Committees), the Japanese economy, and television networks like NBC and NHK. An article in USA Today of July 21, 2020. ----- Nobody knows the future, and much can happen in the coming 12 months, including the availability of a vaccine. Although it is not easy, the athletes must remain focused on the Games in a year from now, .

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