
Nacra 15, Flying Phantom, F16-Cat - Trophée des Rentes Genevoises - SN Genève

Tuesday, October 13, 2020   
 Nacra 15, Flying Phantom, F16Cat  Trophee des Rentes Genevoises  SN Geneve
Good sailing conditions prevailed on Lake Geneva over the past weekend allowing to complete 5 races by class. ----- Sébastien Aubord/Guillaume Rol CVVT finished first in the Flying Phantom ahead of Alex Schneiter/Kris Jonsson/Xavier Lambert SUI. ----- In the F16, Aurore Kerr/Carolina Metaxas YCG were on top. ----- 15 development teams participated in the Nacra 15. Axel Grandjean/Marie Mazuay CVVT dominated ahead of Alexandre De Weck/Tibor Devaud SNG and Malo Surdez/Luca Jenni SNG. ----- In the Topaz 14, Gael Tissot SNG was on rank one. ----- All ranking lists.

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