IMOCA Open 60, VO65 - The Ocean Race - Leg 7 - Day 6

Wednesday, June 21, 2023   
 IMOCA Open 60, VO65  The Ocean Race  Leg 7  Day 6
With winds still light, the two fleets are close to the Portuguese coast on the approach to the Strait of Gibraltar. This has been "guarded" for several years by Orcas which regularly (this year more often than ever before) attack and damage sailing yachts - see video and report. There were no changes in the classifications: Holcim-PRB (Benjamin Schwartz FRA) is only 8 miles ahead of Biotherm (Paul Meilhat FRA) in the IMOCA, In the VO65 fleet Wind Whisperer (Pablo Arrarte EP) continues to pull away at the front. Conditions are expected to remain flat. The race tracker and the reports.
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IMOCA Open 60, VOR65 - The Ocean Race - Alicante ESP

Sunday, 15. January 2023– Monday, 3. July 2023


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