Etchells - World Championship 2023 - Miami FL, USA - First races today

Monday, April 17, 2023   
 Etchells  World Championship 2023  Miami FL, USA  First races today
The World Championship of the Etchells begins today in Miami - the 3-person keelboat was designed for the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, but lost out to the Soling in the selection. In the Anglo-Saxon countries, the Etchells continue to be very popular. Again, the starting list is full of of big names again: Malcom Page AUS, Luis Doreste ESP, Eric Doyle USA, Phil Trinter USA, Adam Minoprio NZL, Taylor Canfield ISV or Stephen Benjamin USA... - at the start are 63 teams from 9 nations. The preview with a historical review of the Olympic selection 1972.
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Etchells - World Championship 2023 - Miami FL, USA

Sunday, 16. April 2023– Sunday, 23. April 2023


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