
search result quo vadis world World Sailing - Quo vadis World Sailing ?

Wednesday, April 8, 2020   
 World Sailing  Quo vadis World Sailing
What about the International Sailing Federation World Sailing? In a video conference with the Presidents of the Member National Authorities a few days ago, the World Sailing President Kim Andersen DEN pretended, that everything is under control! ----- Really? An article in the Norwegian sailing magazine Seil with statements by World Sailing Vice President Scott Perry is more critical of the situation. The Google translation from Norwegian to English. ----- For many people concerned for sailing as well as insiders, World Sailing faces bankruptcy if there is no massive rudder correction. And not many trust today's President Kim Andersen. ----- New elections are urgently needed, planned for the General Assembly in early November. Whether and to which date it should be postponed in the uncertain Coronavirus situation is currently being discussed. ----- Must read comments in Sailing Illustrated with more links.

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