
Solo Round the World Record from East to West - Yves Le Blevec FRA - Day 2

Sunday, November 26, 2017   (Image © Benoît Stichelbaut)
 Solo Round the World Record from East to West  Yves Le Blevec FRA  Day 2
In favorable conditions with northeasterly winds around 25kn, Yves Le Blevec FRA with his Maxi-Trimaran 'Actual' (the former 'Sodebo' of Thomas Coville FRA) progressed well yesterday. Down to the South Atlantic, the route corresponds to the usual round-the-world race track, and only when passing Cape Horn, the rough part against the heavy westwind begins. Yves Le Blevec is the first to attack this record with a multihull. Provided he will finish the attempt, the record is guaranteed. The Frenchman plans for about 90 days.
The race tracker and the 'Actual' website.

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