
Laser - Championnat de la Méditerrannée - Hyères FRA - Day 1

Sunday, February 24, 2019   (Image © Pierrick Contin)
 Laser  Championnat de la Mediterrannee  Hyeres FRA  Day 1
Top conditions with a 20kn Eastwind, a big swell and sun prevailed yesterday in Hyères FRA and all three fleet completedd two races each.
In the Lasers Standard, Jeremy Moutout FRA won both heats. 19 participants.
In the Lasers Radial, Sofiane Karim FRA was twice on first. Matisse Pacaud FRA and Thomas Flachon FRA follow tied on 2nd and 3rd at equal points overall. 69 participants.
In the Lasers 4.7, Benjamin Dufour SUI is on rank one 2 points in front of Alberic De Foresta FRA and Timothée Dumont FRA. 49 participants are racing.
All ranking lists.
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Laser - Championnat de la Méditerrannée - Hyères FRA

Saturday, 23. February 2019– Sunday, 24. February 2019


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