Thursday, May 16, 2024   
More moderate wind than on the opening day yesterday in Hyères, and again 4 races were completed. ----- Max Maeder SGP won again all 4 races in his group. Axel Mazella FRA (on his home waters) also managed this in his group, moving up to 2nd place. Bruno Lobo BRA is now 3rd. The Swiss were able to improve slightly: Bruce Kessler SUI is now 20th, and Gian-Andrea Stragiotti SUI follows in 26th place. ----- In the women's race, title defender Lauriane Nolot FRA is also still dominating. After three race wins, she crashed while leading and had to settle for 5th place. Jessie Kampman FRA and Eleanor Aldridge GBR follow behind. Elena Lengwiler SUI moved up to 14th place thanks to 4th/5th/4th, and the medal race is back in sight with two days of qualification remaining. ----- The ranking list and the daily report.

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