Monday, June 3, 2024   
In the still changeable conditions in the North Atlantic, a preliminary decision was probably made yesterday: Boris Herrmann GER (Malizia) and Charlie Dalin FRA (Macif) were the only ones to reach the fresh southerly winds and pulled away. This morning, Boris Herrmann GER and Charlie Dalin already have a 260-mile lead over third-placed Nicolas Lunven FRA (Holcim-PRB). Justine Mettraux SUI (Teamwork/Team SNEF) also made a leap forward: in 6th place she is 283 miles back, only 23 miles behind 3rd place. Oliver Heer SUI is still 25th. The race tracker and the reports.
IMOCA Open 60 - New York-Vendée - New York USA

Wednesday, 29. May 2024– Monday, 10. June 2024


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